Flood Recovery Resources

News & Events

Track what's happening with executive orders and lawsuits

Find out how nonprofits have been affected by federal funding cuts and policy changes, related lawsuits and more

Celebrate Red Cross Month

The Red Cross is an organization that plays many roles in helping Americans.

Helplines and Hotlines

Hotlines and Helplines provide a safe, supportive place when you have urgent, non-emergency needs or are in need of a helpful voice on the other end of the line. Vermont 211 has many of these services in its Resource Directory.

Children's Dental Care

There are simple ways to make sure your children's teeth are in good condition. Here are a few steps to take.

Talking With Children About Disasters

Children are understandably fearful and scared when experiencing an emergency or disaster. Here are some ways to discuss the situation with them.

Protecting Kids From the Sun

With sunnier, hotter days to come, make sure your kids are well-protected from the sun's rays

Gardening Season!

Starting the gardening season off right with links to various resources.


Vermont 211 has several sources of financial literacy training in its database. Check them out for keeping on top of your financial future.

Be Prepared for a Total Eclipse in April

Northern Vermont will be one of the places to experience a total solar eclipse on April 8.

Resources for Vermonters Affected By July Flooding

Help for flood-affected Vermonters; connections to resources and services.