Statistical Reports
Vermont 211 Web Usage Reports
Web Usage Reports are for tracking and reporting how the public is using the Web search engine. The application allows the user to select the date and time range for each report and view statistical data such as searches performed, visitor locations, agencies, services, etc. Click on the link below to get started.
Statewide Contact Summary Report
Our statewide contact summary report shows the overall number of calls and texts received as well as statewide referrals by category of need.
Statewide Contact Summary Report
Monthly Statistical Reports by County
Find out your region's most pressing needs. Provides numbers of monthly contacts as well as referrals by category of need.
Vermont 211 Afterhours Emergency Housing Report
Vermont 211 partners with the Agency of Human Services (AHS) to provide after business hours emergency housing assistance. AHS calls are routed to Vermont 211 from 4:30 p.m. to 7:45 a.m. daily and on weekends to provide 24/7 access to the existing emergency housing services. Vermont 211 adheres to strict protocols outlined by AHS program guidelines.
Vermont 211 Monthly After Hours Emergency Housing Report
Vermont 211 Top Service Requests
Vermont 211 works with 2-1-1 Counts to display all the top service requests. Click the link below to learn more.
Vermont 211 SPECIAL Reports
2023 Annual Infographic Vermont 211
2022 Annual Infographic Vermont 211
2021 Annual Infographic Vermont 211
2019-2020 Homeless Contact Report
A Year of COVID-19 Pandemic Response
If you do not see the report you are looking for, or if you would like a customized report based on a specific need category, please dial 211 or email us at info@vermont211.org