Flood Damage - Resident Form
If your Vermont home was damaged by the July flooding, please fill out the form below with as much detail as possible. By submitting this form, you are authorizing 211 to share the data you provide here with State, Local, and Federal officials, local recovery groups, and the Vermont Community Foundation.
If you have a life safety emergency, please call 911.
If you need translation help, please call 211 or (802) 652-4636 or (866) 652-4636 and a Community Resource Specialist will connect you with a translator and go through the form with you.
If you have immediate needs for shelter or food, please call or text 211.You also can call 802-652-4636 or 866-652-4636. If you can’t reach us, leave a message with your name and phone number. Or text your zip code to 898211.
If you have clean up and muck out needs related to the floods, call 211 or email us at info@vermont211.org and we will pass along your request for volunteer help.
If you do not need immediate assistance, please fill in the form below to report your damage. This damage report will be used to determine whether the state will qualify for federal assistance.