Flood Recovery Resources

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search our online directory

Check out our Online Directory to find a list of our available resources and services.

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Vermont 211 online directory

The Vermont 211 Online Directory is based on our database, and it is where you will find a list of our available resources and services. We are so grateful to be a part of such a wonderful community, and we look forward to assisting you. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Seasonal Resources

Resource Directory Policy

Requests for a listing from our database to be used in a printed directory are discouraged. Certain exceptions apply:

  • Directories can be run for project-specific requests (e.g. a list of food shelves statewide for the purpose of service analysis.)

  • Directories can be run for community partners, or agencies that share a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with 211.

Due to software constraints, Vermont 211 is unable to customize portions of the database in order to format directories.

It is a given that printed directories are outdated as soon as they are published. Our Resource Team is continually updating our database. The best way to get up-to-date and accurate information is to call the 211 number. Our trained I&R Specialists will help callers by listening to their needs in a non-threatening, non-judgmental manner and helping them make informed decisions about possible solutions. Further, I&R Specialists are aware of many nuances within the social service system.

Alternately, you may use the searchable online database by clicking on the Community Resource Directory button on the left-hand side of the page.

Technology, software, and staffing are geared to the person seeking services. We encourage agencies and their clients to dial 211 for assistance. The service is confidential and available 24/7.