Flood Recovery Resources

Vermont 211's Database is Always Growing

Did you know that Vermont 211 is constantly researching and looking for new agencies and programs to add to our already robust database? From reading news articles and monthly agency newsletters, to scouring social media and agency websites for posts about newly created resources, to gleaning information from community and partner meetings, to word-of-mouth information from callers and clients, Vermont 211’s research roots grow far and wide, and produce resource “fruits” the entire community can benefit from.

Here is just a small sample of the results our thorough and talented Resource Team has produced in the last few months:

StrongHearts Native Hotline: a non-profit organization that offers a culturally appropriate, anonymous, and confidential help line dedicated to Native American survivors of domestic violence and concerned family members and friends. You can find this on our website under the search term Domestic Violence Hotlines*Native American Community.

Sleep in Heavenly Peace: a national non-profit organization dedicated to improving children’s physical, emotional, and mental health by building, assembling, and delivering beds to children and families in need. You can find this on our website under the search term Household Goods*Children.

Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library: a private non-profit organization that provides a free book monthly to children ages zero to five through local community partners. You can find this on our website under the search terms Book Distribution Programs and Early Literacy Development Programs.

Clutterers Anonymous: an international non-profit agency that offers Twelve Step recovery meetings for people who have a desire to recover from cluttering behavior. You can find this on our website under the search term Hoarding Support Groups.

Amy’s Armoire: a thrift store whose proceeds go to improving the outcomes for Vermont’s foster and adopted children through individual and programmatic outreach. You can find this on our website under the search term Thrift Shop.

If you would like to know more about these or any of the other resources contained in the Vermont 211 database, if you or someone you know needs help and assistance, OR if you represent an agency that would like to be included in our database, please do not hesitate to call, text, or email. Dial 211, or 800-652-4636, from any cell phone or landline, text your zip code to 898211 (Monday-Friday: 8am-10pm), or search our online Community Resource Directory at http://Vermont211.org.