Keep Safe During Hot Weather

From the Vermont Department of Health: The National Weather Service is forecasting hot and humid conditions from Monday through Thursday, with heat index values expected to peak in the mid-90s in some locations on Tuesday and Wednesday. Because August was relatively cool, most people in Vermont will not be acclimated to these conditions, which increases the risk for heat-related illnesses. Warm & humid nights throughout the week will make it challenging for anyone without air conditioning to stay cool.
Vermont data indicates that emergency department visits for heat-related illnesses increase when temperatures reach the mid- to upper-80s, with impacts getting progressively worse as temperatures rise into the 90s. Humid conditions make the temperature feel even hotter.
Populations Most Affected
Individuals who are generally at higher risk for heat-related health impacts include: older adults; young children; outdoor workers and hobbyists; people who are pregnant; people who are overweight, have a chronic medical condition, mental illness, or disability; people using recreational drugs or alcohol; and people using certain prescription medications. Risk is further elevated for people that are unhoused but cannot access cooling facilities and for people that are housed but do not have air conditioning, especially if also living alone - dehydration and prolonged exposure to hot living conditions are major concerns for these populations.
Find a Place to Cool Off
When Vermont heats up, do you struggle to find places where you can go to cool off? We can help! Find a map of air-conditioned buildings, beaches, pools, and other cooling locations available to the public at #VTHeatSafety
Symptoms and first aid
Muscle cramps, heavy sweating, nausea, headache or light-headedness may all indicate a heat-related illness. Most heat-related illnesses can be treated with fluids and by resting in a cooler place. If symptoms persist or get worse, or someone you are with seems confused or loses consciousness, dial 9-1-1 and get immediate medical help. Learn more about symptoms and first aid.