Flood Recovery Resources

Little-Known Services in Vermont 211's Database

woman at call center

You can search for these services in our online Community Resource Directory: https://www.navigateresources.net/211vermont
/Search.aspx by using the terms shown below. Or, simply call 2-1-1 or (802) 652-4636 (between 8am-11pm daily), or text your zip code to 898211 (between 8am-10pm M-F).

For online searching: If you see a search term that has an asterisk, that means that you need to first search for the first part of the terms, then look for secondary terms. So, if searching for Household Goods*Children, put Household in the Keyword search and look for that to show on the list of terms. Then select the Household Goods that adds Children:

Cyber Crime Rights Initiative (CCRI) is a nonprofit service for survivors of internet revenge porn. It has a 24/7 hotline and provides information about steps to take if this is your experience, including how to request removal of nonconsensual distribution of intimate images (NDII). Research by CCRI in 2017 found that 1 in 12 American adult social media users were victims of NDII and 1 in 8 were threatened with NDII. You can search in our Community Resource Directory using this term: Revenge Porn Reporting.

Strong Hearts Native Hotline is a nonprofit that offers a culturally appropriate, anonymous, confidential help line dedicated to serving Native American survivors of domestic violence and concerned family members and friends. Hotline advocates, trained with a strong understanding of Native cultures provide peer support and advocacy including crisis intervention, safety planning, domestic violence and healthy relationship education. Search term: Domestic Violence Hotlines*Native American Community.

Sleep In Heavenly Peace is a national nonprofit dedicated to improving children's happiness and health by providing them with free beds to sleep on. It serves Addison, Chittenden, Franklin, Lamoille, and Washington Counties. They build, assemble, and deliver bunk beds to children and families in need. Search term: Household Goods*Children.

Starting Over Strong Vermont supports short-term connections that involve assisting disaster survivors in understanding their current situation and reactions, mitigating stress, developing coping strategies, accessing sources of emotional support, and encouraging linkages with other individuals and agencies that help survivors in their recovery process. All contact is confidential and anonymous. Available in the counties that FEMA approved for Individual Assistance: Caledonia, Chittenden, Lamoille, Orange, Orleans, Rutland, Washington, Windham, and Windsor Counties. Search terms are: Mental Health Related Support Groups*Disaster Victims, Specialized Information and Referral*Disaster Victims, and Stress Management*Disaster Victims.