Finding Warm Clothing for Winter

As the Vermont winter sets in, access to warm clothing for the winter months is critically important. We’d like to highlight some of the resources available in the Vermont 211 database that can connect you with warm winter clothing.
Several local agencies in our database offer ways of obtaining free or low-cost winter clothing, whether through clothing vouchers, one-time events or coat drives, or thrift stores and community closets. To find these agencies and their contact information in the Vermont 211 Online Community Resource Directory, you can search using the keyword Winter Clothing.
Or maybe you have winter clothing that you would like to donate to one of these programs. To find donation opportunities, search Winter Clothing Donation Programs.
In addition to winter clothing, other clothing resources are available year-round. To find local programs, you can search the database using the keywords General Clothing Provision and Clothing Vouchers. Or if you’re looking for specific types of clothes, the terms Baby Clothing, Children’s Clothing, and Maternity Clothing are available. Clicking on the Clothing and Household Goods category will also bring up a full list of search terms. And to donate general clothing, search for General Clothing Donation Programs.
You can search the Online Community Resource Directory at any time, but don’t forget, you can also communicate with one of our trained, professional Community Resource Specialists (CRS): Telephone 24/7/365 by dialing 2-1-1, or text your ZIP Code to 898211 (Monday-Friday 8:00am-10:00pm). You also can email us at